Today, Mark joined me for a full day of fishing on the Lepika. The ahi bite has been fantastic the last few days so we headed offshore to look for the porpoise. Mark has fished several times on long range boats out of San Diego and his biggest ahi to date was 90lbs. The ahi are here to spawn and some have been pushing 150lbs to over 200lbs so I knew we could beat his 90lb mark. We found a nice porpoise school down south and there were a few marks on the sounder but not too many. I went right to the greenstick because we were the 5th boat to the school. We made pass after pass without a bite and I knew if we stayed in there we would eventually catch one.
The fish were just not interested in the squids so I put a small lure out on the 130 Fin Nor and set it just in front of our leading squid. At about 2pm, just as I was about to give up I started to mark more fish in the school. Suddenly, a big ahi piled on the small bullet I had on the 130 and headed down to the depths! Mark got in the chair and worked the ahi to the boat. He got me to leader in about 2o minutes and I lifted his 135 1/2 lb ahi into the boat!
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