Craig has fished with me the past 3 years and on his last two visits we caught 3-4 big ahi from 120lbs-160lbs! Those trips were “guy” trips and he brought along local friends of mine Britt and Scott who played baseball at Pepperdine with him. Today was a father son trip and his son Nate came along for some action. Of course, Britt and Scott tagged along too! We left the harbor early and ran south looking for anything we could find. Fishing has been pretty tough lately so we headed out to the deep and looked for signs of life. About mid morning we found a small porpoise school and worked them with the greenstick but didn’t mark any fish. There has been some nice ahi coming out of the school so we decided to leave and look for another pile. We worked our way down and ended up at one of the FADS (Fish Aggregation Buoys) which wa sloaded with birds and bait. As we got close 40-80lb ahis started blasting bait all around us. I set up the greenstick and worked the area. It wasn’t long before 12-15lb ahi started piling on the jumping squids! We had two small ahi on and were about to real them up when a bigger ahi piled on another squid. Craig got in the chair and started to get to work. There were two nice ahis on the line and we wanted some fish for dinner. Craig has caught bigger ahi before with me but these would do for today! Our biggest ahi of the day would weigh about 70lbs! I really wanted to get Nate into the action so we set up the greenstick again and drug it next to the buoy.
Instantly, every squid started to get attacked by 10-12lb ahi! We ended up getting a triple and Nate got to work fighting them all on one rod! In about 10 minutes he had all three in the boat! With only a few hours left in the day we caught a few more for the grill and headed home with a nice load of ahi!
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