Tough fishing has plagued the fleet for the past few days. Fishing Kona can usually yield some nice fish consistently but the past few weeks the fishing has consisted of mostly mahimahi and smaller yellowfin tuna. All of these are great for the grill and that’s pretty much what we’ve been catching…dinner! On the 26th, Mike and Jeff fished a full day with me. There had been some small skipjack tuna and yellowfin tuna at one of the nearby buoys so we headed there first. We arrived early and there weren’t many boats in the area
so I decided to catch a small tuna and rig it live for some bigger fish. Mike caught a perfect size yellowfin tuna about 2lbs and I sent it back about a hundred yards. We made a few passes on the buoy and more boats arrived including two dive boats. Typically, divers in the water put the fish down but as we pulled our baits near one of the boats a big mahimahi grabbed our bait. Jeff was first in the chair and this was his first mahimahi he had ever caught and it was a nice one! The average mahimahi in Kona ranges from 15-20lbs and Jeff’s mahimahi scaled out at 35lbs!
The following day, Laning, Liz and their parents joined me for a full day. Laning and Liz have fished with me a few times in the past few years and this time they brought along Laning’s parents. After trying for big fish without success we ended up at VV buoy and caught a few small tunas for Liz to take home and cook for dinner. Liz has been growing organic ginger and had a chance to make some sashimi to go along with it!